What Will Happen If the Internet Radio Equality Act Fails: 6.02
First off, a special shout-out to my congressional representative, Jane Harman.
You are a corrupt, self-serving, ignorant harpy, Jane Harman. You've been a horrible Congresswoman and if your district wasn't gerrymandered as hell, someone halfway competent might've knocked your self-serving behind out of Congress by now.
And if you think Jane Harman is a nice, harmless old lady, let me just point out a few things. You're right about the 'old' thing. She's 62, almost double the average of those she represents. And not only is Harman a shill for the hugely moronic Recording Industry Association, having taken thousands in campaign cash from them, but she's delighted that the RIAA is suing college kids and teenagers.
She's done stuff that's much, much worse. As the senior Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, she's the primary reason no one thought to really question all of the Bush Administration's obviously faked intelligence.
Ergo, Jane Harman is the reason we're in Iraq, people.

Find out if your representative supports the Internet Radio Equality Act here. I found out mine doesn't, and just looked what it caused me to say about her.
Look, here's what happens on July 15th if the Internet Radio Equality Act doesn't pass. 95%-99% of all American webcasters will be put immediately out of business.
Webcasters outside of the US suddenly find that business is booming, and continue to NOT pay the outrageous rates demanded by the American Copyright Royalty Board. For example, the Economist estimates that only 10% of Russian webcasters bother paying royalties at all.
And as they also point out, people are only likely to buy music they've heard before, so the music industry will shoot itself in the foot (again- remember Napster?) by denying people the opportunity to find and sample music they like-- and treating their own customers like criminals.
So Internet radio may survive- but only abroad, and only where it doesn't have to pay royalties.
This is, quite simply, madness. And almost criminal incompetence. And blatant stupidity.
But really, isn't that what we we've come to expect from the music industry these days?
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Labels: Congress, Internet Radio Equality Act, Jane Harman
"...As the senior Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, she's the primary reason no one thought to really question all of the Bush Administration's obviously faked intelligence.
Ergo, Jane Harman is the reason we're in Iraq, people. "
Wow - that's very interesting.
11:04 PM
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