Clawing to escape the belly of the beast here in Hollywood. To commiserate, email my name assistantatlas at yahoo.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Being Worked to Death---in the meantime...

Sloane's on a tear so today's post will be late. In the meantime, enjoy this stuff...

I just have to share this picture with you that I found while browsing Technorati (essentially googling myself, but on Technorati). It comes from and I'm guessing it was created specifically to accompany his lil blurb on the Poop on Ryan Seacrest's Star Contest.

Isn't it just precious? Please note that while I find this funny, I created the Poop on Ryan Seacrest's Star Contest to head off my darker impulses to do something worse to him, like shooting him with that oversized automatic rifle. By the way, The Poop on Ryan Seacrest's Star Contest is still going, even without the near-daily radio interviews. So you still have the chance to defile Seacrest's star.


Blogger Michael K said...

I love that. It sums up everything for me.

3:55 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nobody's pooped on Seacrest's star yet? Time to get to dumping.

6:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, everyone, Enrique here. Thanks for posting my image, Atlas. As I replied on my own site use the image as you'd like, I'll even make one that's bigger or different if you want. Maybe we can start a series or something *evil grin* Maybe Rodney from KROQ holding the rifle?
BTW (covering my ass), obviously the whole "must die" bit is exaggerated... but... c'mon... we all think it...

6:40 PM


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