The Cutting Edge: 5.33
I'm delighted to report that the meeting went quite well, thank you very much. I still have at least one more meeting to pass-- and it's tomorrow for sure-- before I get a definitive step closer to what I want.
So after that, there may be a major shift in duties for your faithful Assistant/Atlas. Don't worry though. I won't let it get to my head. I still know where I stand on the Hollywood food chain. And it still ain't nowhere near the top.

So we gotta be in the know, ya know?
Pic from:
You see, what I'm saying is: keep on top of them newfangled internets if you want to get ahead.
And doing that is also a handy excuse for overzealous bosses who closely monitor Internet usage. "It was part of my research, boss," you can say when questioned about why you're reading all manner of things online, from MySpace (gotta background check the interns somehow) to Defamer (industry info, of course).
Really...pimpslapping the Man is just that simple as long as you're prepared for all contingencies. But if you're an assistant, that's already part of your job. Please note these excuses work especially if you have any sort of research or analysis or creating-type position. But really, part of entertainment is doing something new and fresh, and you need to be all modern-y for that.
Being young is nice, but it's not enough. And so I ask you, my dear readers, for open source enlightenment. Help me help recommend advice to the huddled masses.
But really also, in the interests of keeping you (and me) on top of the game, let's all share where we're finding our hot new projects. I just feel like there's all these websites out there I don't know about. . .
And we are all still using Studio System to track projects (with an IMDB supplement, of course)? Or am I missing some site?
Also, which video-sharing sites are well-put-together? Yes, YouTube is fun. Which means it won't last forever. It's totally video's Napster. It is the canary in the hole that will emerge, like a hamster from a fetishy dude's nether-regions, as a corporatized monkey ready to be exploited for whatever 'brand loyalty' still remains in its ever-more-cybersquattish existence.
Or maybe that's just me. Maybe it will free us all.
So, please, use the comments to share your thoughts on places on the ole net you find useful as an industry insider. Because, really, if you're reading this blog, you probably are.
TECHNORATI TAGS: Technology, Screenwriting, Development, Scripts, YouTube, New Media
I'm quite fond of Wish I could afford it for myself...
11:18 PM
Cynthia Turner's Cynopsis
Daily newsletter of industry news. They have a regular one, one geared specifically towards kids industry (tv/movie/etc), Multicultural one, and then a weekend one.
10:33 AM
Hollywood Wiretap ( has a spare almost Drudge-y format but useful/interesting news.
Film Releases ( breaks down the release dates for the next two years.
And it's not entertainment-related, but I like geeking out on the Internet Archive ( which has lots of old web pages and random stuff. Good time-waster.
7:50 PM
I've never been an insider; I just enjoy the blog.
8:53 AM
Congrats on the meeting success. Would think nothing less, since you are great at making things happen for yourself. Luck = preparation & timing.
Insider sites? Not sure if I can divulge, but I've found Done Deal to be worthy - the message board is a great way to connect with others on the theoretically same Hollywood path.
8:58 AM
I'm really just sad that this post wasn't about the Moira Kelly/D.B. Sweeney ice-skating classic. What a delightfully odd couple those kids made!
7:13 PM
does Hollywood Momentum count??
ok -- I'l go back downunder
8:57 PM
Awesomeness. Thanks, team.
Oh, and Megan...Maybe some day, just for you, I will write about my shameful, shameful love for that totally insipidly great movie.
4:40 PM
There are a lot of poorly thought through YouTube clones, and I don't see any other site really distinguish itself right now. Revver is a lot of hype, but still not that big.
Embedding videos in blog posts and myspaces is big and I think it will continue to be a catalyst for a lot of the traffic. And there YouTube remains king. Their site interface and front page are also very easy to use and accessible.
Hit up Tech Crunch for some of that Web 2.0 stuff if you haven't already.
I don't know if it's of much interest, but as a european movie bloggger part of my hollywood routine is to check the following sites which together cover almost all of the days stories and content:
For the Variety and THR casting and project announcements that are relevant to our audience, interchangable to Dark Horizons and pretty fast with updates.
*Hollywood Wiretap
Mentioned before, but it's just excellent and picks up on a lot of stories before they get big. Also good on analysis and on media.
An entertaining blog mostly about criticism, but together with Hollywood Wiretap and Movie City News it's part of a movie critic sphere that crosslinks and is quite big, but still exists outside the whole Defamer sphere.
All the trailers at one site.
* Yahoo! Wire News Entertainment.
Fast and they use AP and Reuters. Good for some type of news.
If you're disciplined, have all the sites bookmarked and use Firefox with tabs, then you can scan them through pretty fast. Although you shouldn't use Firefox because most of your audience uses IE, or so the saying goes..
9:01 PM
Over 200.000 3D/2D/VFX -nerds can't be wrong.
Needless to say, the wannabe's outnumber industry pro's 100 to 1, but the sheer number of members guarantees that every single factoid pertaining to the field can be found from the forums (there's a search button).
6:04 AM
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