Pimpslappin' The Man: 5.30
I know you all like periodic updates from my 'real life' and 'real career'*. So I thought I'd offer one, as close to reality as I can hew, what with my continuing anonymity and all.

I'm becoming a new media baron.
Granted, I'm a new media baron whose baronies are overwhelmed by debt and mostly just crappy marshlands....well, at work at least. There's this little popular blog here, of course. You readers just keep givin' me the love-- and don't think I don't appreciate it.
What I've done is help to give my bosses the chutzpah to become more independent of the major studios in their New Media ventures. I can't really go into the particulars, of course.*
But I will say this: standing up for who I am was crucial in this victory against the forces of corporate stupidity. Ultimately, I feel like I pimpslapped The Man and scored a small, but important, victory for the forces of good. In the arena of New Media at least, I feel I've pushed the light of the English language a bit further against the darkness.
My company is now significantly more independent of The Man than we I began my whole endeavor. And that, my friends, is my victory. Sure, it was not mine alone. All of you readers helped in your own way-- giving me the quiet confidence I needed to challenge The Man in his most pernicious form.
So to you, assistants, I say this: Don't be afraid. You have more power than you think. And you've gotta use it if you ever want things to get any better.
And speaking of assistant togetherness, would someone send me the most recent UTA job list, please? I think that as one of Hollywood's hottest assistants and the patron blogging saint of Hollywood assistants I should have it thrown at me. Nope. Like most non-UTA assistants, I have to beg my friends. Which is you, friend, if you're reading this. Please send it assistantatlas@yahoo.com....it'd make some deserving kids happy.
*New readers should know I cover my tracks with a near-paranoic anonymity. Which is why I end up telling parables. Maybe that crazy Jesus was onto something.
TECHNORATI TAGS: New Media, Hollywood, Virginia Woolf, The Man, Assistants
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