If LA Bloggers Were LA Restaurants: 3.47
Bloggers tend to be passionate about (or ) other bloggers. I am no exception.
The idea behind this post is to spread the love and suggest some other good sites to peruse on this Friday as you waste time. Plus, mama always told me to be nice.
So where would you like to eat today? And more importantly, where would you like to read?
If LA Bloggers were LA restaurants. . .
Assistant/Atlas=Wildflour Pizza
Well, I am first alphabetically. Plus, I can't talk about everyone else and spare myself, that just wouldn't be fair, would it? I picked Wildflour because, like them, I'm in Santa Monica/Venice and I ain't pretty-- I got sawdust on my blog floor and tables so notched with age you'd be surprised to learn how young they are. But when you get right down to it, what's served ain't bad. In fact sometimes, it's the best pizza in the city. That said, I'm trying to clean up my act, but I'm just a lot more fun when I'm a little dirty. At least, everybody seems to like me that way.
Breakfast at Tiffany's=Sweet Lady Jane's
You can never quite get enough, and yet what you get is almost just too deliciously much every time. Plus, classy-- but refreshingly, not oppressively, so.

All the heavy hitters and players show up here, with questionable results. Oh, don't get me wrong, it's fabulous and all, it's just not the mecca of perfection it's made out to be. Still, I can barely get a table there. And I'm Assistant/Atlas. What chance do you have? It's part of the Gawker Media Empire
Dude, I just love Chano's. I seriously love Chano's. The USC memories I have of it are just like those I have of Dude.Man.Phat: full of warmth and laughter and good feelings in my belly- all for a low, low price. Oh, and both make me phatter.
Feh=The Abbey
This one has recent news: Seth Abramovitch used to run Feh blog. It was vicious, absolutely terribly cruel blog. And it was awesome. Now he's the Associate Editor at Defamer. Seth's a self-described Hollywood triple threat: Gay, Jewish and Canadian--Homojewnadian. Of course, if that weren't enough, since he's the "Associate Editor" [read: assistant] I feel a certain natural sympathy for him. So I'm making him The Abbey, leader of the Weho restaurants in honor of his being catapulted upward in the LA blog hierarchy. Enjoy your time at the top, Seth, and here's to the end of your dry streak. Cheers.

Junk Feud=Pink's
Drunken twentysomethings go there when drunk and love it, and the teenier boppers treat it with reverence. Okay, maybe a stretch, but hey, it is mainly pink. But a good pink, not too eye-gougingly pink like some people.
Kung Fu Monkey=Pacific Dining Car
You might remember John Rogers from writing the Global Frequency pilot. John is a phenomenal blogger, truly top-notch, and puts out stuff you'll be interested in on a regular basis. And sometimes, John will make you realize that he's smarter than you. And you will remember to dress nicer the next time you go to his blog.
Little to No Appeal=Swingers
Please keep in mind that LTNA is the good, coffeeshop/hotel Swingers and not the played-out Santa Monica one. Little to No Appeal is a like a lil servin' of delicious bitter pie with some over-Splenda-ed coffee. Hey man, when you're in the mood for it, you're in the mood. Plus, you know you like the decor. Come on, come on now, you do. The cows, man, it's all about the cows. I'm off-topic, aren't I?
Overeducated and Underemployed=Gyu-Kaku
People you hate grilled to a crisp. Food you'll love grilled to perfection and your own little grill. And you can't spell Megan without MMMM. Granted, you can spell Gyu-Kaku without MMM or Megan, but still, I don't think it's a stretch. Anyhoo, when I'm a mogul, I won't drop Megan from my show. However, Megan, note that karma makes its rounds. The show that cut you got its order cut from 13 to 6. And that's something to celebrate.
Go there and be mesmerized. Look, pretty things, ooooh. At O-Bar, it's the bar. Specifically, that shiny silver bamboo stuff over the bar. At Popbytes, be mesmerized by the pretty site design. Both have nice niblets, but I wouldn't rely on O-Bar for my entire diet nor Popbytes for my entire pop culture one. Still, you'll enjoy your visit.
Query Letters I Love=In 'N Out Burger
Yes, that's right. The coveted In-n-Out burger slot goes to the elusive Empress and the Manager Guy. Why? Well, besides being anonymous like me, they manage to somehow serve up something so perfectly ridiculously good EVERY DARN TIME! It's impressive, really, and I salute both establishments heartily.
Totally Unauthorized=Hugo's
Why: It's industry, without being overpoweringly so. Plus, good variety (of food at Hugo's and post subjects at Peggy's site), pleasant surroundings and Peggy's a peach.
That's it, kids. These are the best of the best I've noticed in the LA blogosphere. Peruse these babies and feel free to suggest your own. That's what comments are for, kiddies.
I would like to take the time and point out that I am not in LA but I'm still brimming with fun.
Brimming with fun.
That's funny.
12:39 PM
If my blog were a restaurant, it would probably be All-American burger on Sunset. Thousands of hookers can't be wrong...
7:05 AM
Dude. I love Chano's too.
11:53 AM
Ha! Brilliant and original post!
7:36 AM
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