Things to Do Instead of Talking to Your Family: 5.47
On this Thanksgiving weekend, why not waste time on the Internet instead of talking with your family? Because really, you know you're just there for the food.
So try these fun Internet time-wasters...
The folks at are rapidly expanding their pop culture-mocking offerings. They may not have destroyed TV as we know it just yet but if they
Check out this link for's "The Superficial Friends", a zany send-up of the SuperFriends with the Olsen twins, Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan and Nicole Richie taking the place of Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman and the rest. And from the looks of the page set-up, the Superficial Friends have more episodes on the way.
It's here:
Or maybe you could do some learning on your vacation. Why not try a nice educational video about the scourge of PMS from "the 1950s" on YouTube?
I'd always wondered what PMS stood for.
Or if videos aren't your thing, why not do some random web surfing. My favorite method for this is the downloadable tool for your Firefox or IE browser called StumbleUpon.
Basically, with StumbleUpon, you input your preferences, from art to animation to porn (okay, I don't know if porn is an option...but it should be). Every time you're bored with a site, click the StumbleUpon button on your toolbar and you'll be magically transported to a site you've probably never heard of, but, thanks to your selected preferences, will probably enjoy.
And finally, because if you're reading this you must like blogs, several have kept up with posting over the holidays, including...
The Superficial
and the always-entertaining, catty-tastic Go Fug Yourself
Enjoy. And Happy Turkey Day everybody!
TECHNORATI TAGS: time-wasters, New Media