Hollywood Assistant=Whore: 3.49
Yeah, I promised you a You Make the Call Game. You'll get it, all in due time. Right now, though, I'm going to do what you've wanted me to do for awhile-- get back to talking about my job and how much the godforsaken entertainment bizsnatch blows donkey balls.
That's right, I'm unleashing the terrible fury that has been slowly building inside me. Sure, it's a spur-of-the-moment decision I may regret, but f**k it. I'm just pissed off that, yet again, I must be a complete b*tch of this stupid industry.
Now, if you don't remember my old boss, Sloane (and I know you bastards love him), you'll want to read about How Blogging Saved My Career. It was a seminal post for yours truly, and I thought it marked the end of my b*tchdom.
I was wrong. So very wrong.
For you see, being an assistant is very much like being a whore. Even after you've left the profession behind, it still haunts your life and often, your career. That is where I find myself--tainted by my servile past. Too ready to bend over for The Man.
MDJKFXNL, I cry, mashing my fists against the keyboard. Why must my career be a path of pain?
My new job is great, except for a few big exceptions. I like what I do, generally, and it's nice to be paid to write. But Exception #1 is that I work all the time. Seriously, on the weekends, after work, probably 60-70 hours/week, if I include things like my commute and all reading time. Exception #2 is that my creativity-- one of my best features as an employee-- is constantly undermined at nearly every turn. By budgets and by resources, but mainly, by lack of time to properly to develop my ideas. Exception #3 is the massive headache of being constantly second-guessed. And Exception #4 belongs to the "24/7, Your Time Is Mine" rule whereby I am expected to drop my entire life- frequently- to do whatever is "needed". And sadly, the phrase "A lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part" will get me fired.
Look, I know I chose to be a b*tch. But I don't have to like it. And as you can see, I apparently can't keep quiet about it anymore.

Mood: Pensive, Forlorn, Tempest-tossed, Adrift
Sweet post- now if you'd only say what your job actually is.
8:25 PM
I like what I do, generally, and it's nice to be paid to write????
Your an assistant right...didn't land a staff job in the past couple of months did you?
Or are you talking about the blog
1:43 PM
Yes, yes!!! I want to hear more...
5:56 PM
Seriously, dude...just go back to talking about your job. It was more interesting then.
By the way...how are you getting away with working only 60-70 hours a week? I work at an agency and I'm usually up around 90.
8:03 AM
Sounds like a reader at an agency.
12:28 PM
I haven't read all of his posts, but wan't he up for a 2nd asst position? Then he'd be writing lots of coverage...
4:49 PM
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