You Are Allowed To Buy Me Off
Many of you may have noticed the changes to the sidebar. I've alphabetized my Blogrolodex and re-organized my ads. Please note my ad policy: You are allowed to buy me off, but I'm going to disclose that I'm being nice to you because you're paying me. That's the deal. Kiddin'.
Naw, seriously, folks, I'm going to start hawking some ad space on this piece to perhaps replace those Google Ads because they just ain't working for me anymore. That's why I've joined Blogads. And my first sponsor through BlogAds is "White Trash Palace". That's why they've got those spiffy new ads in my sidebar. They're for White Trash Palace, which sells such amusing items as t-shirts with "Don't Drink and Dial" on them.
In Assistant/Atlas personal life news, my job, which can now no longer be called 'new', has me chained to a computer in a deep, dark hole for hours upon hours. And I now truly understand why they make jokes about things like this. It's friggin' scary. But nothing your assistant superhero can't handle. Just means I haven't had a lot of free time.
And with my free time I do have, honestly, I've been having enough sex to make my d*ck fall off.
Which should also explain why the blogging has been lacking. I'm not upset about it, but I know that you, my precious, high-strung readers, might soon be, so don't worry. I'll make sure to do one of my ever-popular You Make the Call Game(s) ready for this evening. You'll potentially get to play against hundreds of people from all over the world. Ed. note- Yes, I See You! And bring on the sell-out accusations- I'm ready!
But for now, to tide my loyal legions over, a quiz.
Why did BNC (Bragman-Nyman-Cafarelli) and Jessica Simpson part ways?
a. BNC couldn't get a more lucrative publicity lock on the Simpson family and grew tired of the lack of income.
b. BNC grew tired of dealing with Joe Simpson, father and frightmeister.
c. BNC couldn't handle the Simpson-related emergency call volume.
d. BNC has finally taken sides in the Battle of the Jessicas.
e. Atlas, this is a stupid waste of my time, but I wanted to see what everyone else voted for.
f. Atlas, you can't end a sentence with a preposition.
Feel free to discuss in the comments section. And don't have a case of the Mondays.
jk, do what you want, man
9:24 PM
What exactly is your present job?
4:19 PM
Anon: Part of the fun is guessing his job. Personally, at my office, we think he's at an indie prodco. or a small agency, since he never seems to do much on the studios.
8:23 PM
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