How I Do: 5.08
I don't like to think of this post's title as ripping off Res, so much as paying tribute to her.
Sorry for not posting lately. Thing is, I kind of now have so much work that there's never NOT work and I can't possibly be expected to do it all.
And yet, because I'm from the Midwest, I kind of have this work ethic where I feel bad about not being able to do it all, even though even my work ethic heartily agrees that I'm probably overburdened. Still, a work ethic isn't a work ethic if it doesn't tell you to just keeping on going and walk it off (in the tone of your high school football coach/driver's Ed teacher).
So I do.
But I've stopped working as hard. My work ethic knows it. I know it. I don't care. My work ethic does. Well, whatcha gonna do? You're gonna do what you do, and that's what you do.
So just do it.
The hair cut is working well. When I went out to breakfast (technically probably 'brunch') this morning, I discovered that D-Listers are now checking to see if I'm famous. No, Amanda Seyfried's little brother on Big Love, I'm not famous.
Even though I was totally wearing my old-school Aquaman t-shirt Off Vine. I can see how you'd make that mistake.
But that's how I do.
Besides Ben Henrickson (real name, apparently: Douglas Smith), I discovered at Off Vine that Eric Stoltz is still quite recognizeable and has joined the celebrity baby boom, doting on a little spitter. Also, none of the people I was at brunch with (about half of whom could be considered 'industry') could remember a goddang thing Eric Stoltz had been in. And yet we were all like, "Oh yeah, that is Eric Stoltz". . . well, once someone remembered his name.
So obviously, I've looked him up on IMDB by now. And I realize that he's had small parts in some good movies (Pulp Fiction, Jerry Maguire) and larger parts in just some colossally bad things(too many to name, in fact). I don't know where I'm going with this. It's just weird.
I mean, I never go out to brunch. The seeing celebrities part is totally normal. LA, baby.

It makes the morning after a lot more pleasant. . . even if your new f**ktoy's friends are annoying as hell. You can just have a Bloody Mary. Or four.
That's how I do.
TECHNORATI TAGS: Business, My Bidness, Big Love, Brunch